projects, grants
and non-dilutive funding

Grants & EU projects

European projects, grants and non-dilutive funding

We are a Technological Research Institute whose mission is to translate academic research into industrial solutions. Our aim is to bring together private and academic actors to develop high-impact R&D collaborative projects, at the local, national, European, and international levels.

In particular, this involves overcoming technological barriers and supporting manufacturers with the process of bringing diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic solutions in the field of infectious diseases to the market, and also the exploitation of the potential of the microbiota.

Some figures


active European projects


international grants


PIA RHU project as a partner


regional grants


team dedicated to activities linked to European Grants and projects

With you, we have a common ambition of developing a R&D project involving public and private partners.

Together, we will build an ambitious R&D project, meeting the scientific excellence, eligibility criteria and your needs.

You have a project and have identified a funding opportunity, but looking for partners:


  • be a proactive contributor.
  • participate in the development of the scientific and technical aspects of the project.
  • give you access to our network of private and academic partners in France and across Europe.


You have an idea for a project to be carried out with us and are looking for funding opportunities:


  • co-design & participate in the development of the project.
  • help you identify private and academic relevant partners in France and across Europe.
  • identify the most appropriate funding opportunity for our project with the help of our Grants office.

We stand by you from the ideation to the end of the project.

Our contributions and the benefits of our participation in R&D projects are as follows:

  • Our involvement

    • our recognized expertise in the field of microbiology and infectious diseases
    • an active participation in the communication, dissemination, and promotion of the results
    • an active involvement in each project, with a Work Package leader, deliverables, and high-quality rendering
    • Experience and involvement in many national, European, and international projects.
  • our network

    • our active lobbying within local, national & European networks (working groups of our National Contact Points for Horizon Europe, regional network of European correspondents, Competitiveness cluster)
    • Our status as Network Partner in EIT Health
    • Participation in a network of national and European academic, clinical and industrial collaborators
  • Our Grants Office

    • a dedicated team facilitating the process from development to submission but aslo from contractualization to the end of the project, in the form of management and financial and technical reporting.

We consider every funding opportunity.

Our expertise allows us to identify and pursue the most relevant funding opportunities for your project to result in a grant:

National opportunities

PIA, ANR, SGPI, BPI France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Ile-de-France regions, etc.

European opportunities

  • H2020, Horizon Europe, MSCA, EIC, IMI, Eureka, ERA-NET, JPI, etc.

International opportunities

NIH, private foundations, etc.
Julie LEMAYGrants Office ManagerIcon email

European projects

Homi Lung

Objectives: The incidence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) increases after infections, but causal mechanisms are not understood yet. Pneumonia, which can be acquired in the community (such as flu and COVID-19) or during hospitalization, is a leading cause of infectious diseases. The main idea of the Homi-lung project is to investigate the causal relationship between CVD progression and the immune and microbiome alterations observed after pneumonia.
Funding: European Commission (HORIZON Europe)
EU contribution: € 6.999M
Dates: 01/2024-12/2028
Coordinator: Nantes Université, France

Our role: BIOASTER will characterize the patterns of respiratory microbiome evolution (composition, richness, and dynamic patterns) in patients cured of pneumonia, using metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS, shotgun sequencing).
Keywords: microbiome, host-microbiome interactions, pneumonia, myocardial infarction, innate immunity, artificial intelligence
Project website

Homi-Lung is part of the Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No 101137148.

Logo Incentive

Objectives: Indo-European partnership for a better understanding of the immune mechanisms associated with responders and non-responders to marketed influenza vaccines, the identification of predictive biomarkers in vaccine-responders for diagnostic purposes and the evaluation of two next-generation influenza vaccine candidates.
Funding: European Commission H2020 RIA
EU contribution: € 9.974M
Dates: 08/2020-07/2025
Coordinator: Helmholtz-Zentrum Fur Infektionsforschung GMBH, Germany
Our role: to study the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome of blood before and after vaccination.
Keywords: influenza, primatology, vaccines, nucleic acid
Project website:
This project has received funding from the European Union H2020 (grant no. 874866) and the Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India (project no. BT / IN / EU-INF / 16 / AP / 19-20 / 11746).


Objectives: The TRANSVAC-DS project is an extension of the work carried out by previous TRANSVAC projects (including TRANSVAC2) and aims to present a detailed plan for the establishment of a sustainable European R&D infrastructure dedicated to vaccines.
Funding: European Commission H2020 RIA
EU contribution: € 1.8M
Dates: 06/2020-02/2023
Coordinator: European Vaccine Initiative (EVI), Germany
Our role: BIOASTER provides leadership for Work Package 2 dedicated to the analysis of scientific and technological needs related to vaccines.
Keywords: vaccines, infrastructure
Project website:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N ° 951668


Objectives: The ERA4TB (European Regimen Accelerator for Tuberculosis) project is a public-private initiative dedicated to the development of new drugs against tuberculosis. ERA4TB will focus on developing new and better treatments for tuberculosis. The partners will share their expertise, knowledge and resources to rapidly advance new drug candidates into the clinical phase.
Funding: European Commission H2020 IMI2
EU contribution: € 89.8M
Dates: 01/2020-12/2025
Coordinator: Universidad Carlos III De Madrid, Spain
Our role: The BIOASTER teams will mobilize their technologies and know-how in work packages dedicated to in vitro profiling of drug candidates and in vivo work. BIOASTER will also apply biostatistical approaches as part of the imaging work package.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, artificial intelligence, sustainable development
Project website:
This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 853989. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA and Global Alliance for TB Drug Development non profit organisation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and University of Dundee.

Logo Immunosep

Objectives: ImmunoSep intends to open a new way of treating severe infection through personalised treatment with the potential to represent a qualitative leap in sepsis outcome and to provide a basis for future precision-medicine in immune-based disorders.
Funding: European Commission H2020 RIA
EU contribution: € 10.1M
Dates: 01/2020-12/2023
Coordinator: Radboud University Medical Center, The Netherlands
Our role: BIOASTER is involved in the “multi-omics characterization of sepsis patients” work-package and will be in charge of the project’s microbiome platform.
Keywords: sepsis, multi-omics, microbiome
Project website:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 847422.


Objectives: GNA NOW brings together diverse expertise with the objective of developing new antibacterial agents to combat antimicrobial resistance in gram-negative bacteria.
Funding: European Commission H2020 IMI2 “AMR Accelerator”
EU contribution: € 12.3M (total budget of €31.4M)
Dates: 07/2019-06/2025
Coordinator: EVOTEC, France
Our role: BIOASTER’s technologies and expertise – including Transposon Sequencing, Genome-Scale Metabolomics, the MetSAMoA platform – are mobilized within the framework of in-depth studies on the mechanisms of action and microbiological profiling.
Keywords: AMR
Project website:
This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 853979: ‘GNA NOW: Gram-Negative Antibacterials NOW’. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and the EFPIA company Evotec’s in-kind contribution and is part of the AMR Accelerator.

Logo Value-Dx

Objectives: The ambition of the project is to transform clinical diagnostic practices in the fight against antibiotic resistance by improving the use of antibiotics in Europe.
Funding: European Commission H2020 IMI2
EU contribution: €6.8M (total budget of €11M)
Dates: 04/2019-03/2023
Coordinator: University of Antwerp, Belgium
Our role: BIOASTER conducts molecular epidemiology studies in close collaboration with the teams from the University of Antwerp and the industrial partners of the project.
Keywords: AMR, Diagnostic
Project website:
This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 820755. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA and bioMérieux SA, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Accelerate Diagnostics S.L., Abbott, Bio-Rad Laboratories, BD Switzerland Sàrl, and The Wellcome Trust Limited.

Logo FunHoMic

Objectives: FunHoMic is an ITN network bringing together experts in fungal pathogenesis, immunology, microbial ecology and -omics technologies for the training of 13 thesis students to elucidate fungus-host-microbiota interactions and improve the management of fungal diseases.
Funding: European Commission H2020 MSCA ITN
EU contribution: € 3.5M
Dates: 01/2019-06/2023
Coordinator: Institut Pasteur, France
Our role: The PhD student at BIOASTER works on the study of the secreted metabolome in Candida albicans.
Keywords : Microbiota, fungus
Project website:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 812969.


Objectives: TRANSVAC2 supports innovation for the development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines by offering high quality services to the research community (from academia to SMEs).
Funding: European Commission H2020 RIA
EU contribution: € 14.5M
Dates: 05/2017-04/2023
Coordinator: European Vaccine Initiative (EVI), Germany
Our role: we offer services in Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Metabolomics Imaging
Keywords: vaccines, infrastructure
Project website:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement N ° 730964.

Objectives: The objective of the project was to propose the design, the preparation and the optimization of nanoformulations of current antibiotics as well as new antimicrobial agents against multi-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin.
Funding: European Commission FP7
EU contribution: €9.7M (total budget : €13M)
Dates: 02/2014-07/2018
Coordinator: Institut Pasteur, France
Our role: BIOASTER was in charge of the Work Package dedicated to biodistribution and in vivo efficacy studies
Keywords: nanoformulations, MDR-TB, MRSA infections
Project website:
This project has received funding from the European Union’s FP7 research and innovation program under grant agreement N ° 604237

National and international projects

Objectives: Cultissimo aims to isolate, identify and characterize the microorganisms of the intestinal microbiota using high-throughput innovative culturing and analytical approaches.
Funding: ANR – France 2030
Funder’s contribution: € 3.359M
Dates: 04/2024 – 03/2030

Coordinator: Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE)

Our role: BIOASTER is leading the work package on high-throughput microbial isolation from human microbiota
Keywords: Human Microbiome, Culturomics, High Throughput
Project website

This work received funding from the France 2030 Programme under the grant agreement number ANR-24-PESA-0002

Logo La Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Objectives: the project aims to meet the needs of optimization and reliability of bioproduction by developing second-generation digital twins for the characterization and reliable online monitoring of bioprocesses.

Funding: French Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (AuRA) contribution: 109k€

Dates: 10/2022-10-2024

Coordinator: Gencovery

Keywords: digital twins, metabolomics, bioprocess

Our role: to validate an in vitro solution for dynamic monitoring of bioprocesses

This project has received funding from the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes under the R&D Booster 2022 call.

Press Release :


Objectives: Develop a smart and versatile hydrogel-based microfluidic platform for controlled biofilm formation and analysis. Mimicking biofilm biology, this platform will ensure better characterization, analysis of biofilm and easily adapt to diverse pathologies. Finally, the microfluidic platform will be used as a preclinical screening system to validate the anti-biofilm activity of novel drugs.
Funding: Région Ile-de-France/DIM ELICIT
Contribution: €65K
Dates: 06/2022-12/2023
Coordinator: BIOASTER
Keywords: organ-on-chip, biofilm-on-chip, microfluidic, biofilm
Project website:
This work is supported by DIM ELICIT’s grants from Région Ile-de-France

Objectives: Microbiota-centered interventions to solve antibiotics-induced primary resistance to immune checkpoint inhibitors in cancer.
Funding: ANR – RHU Vague 5
ANR Contribution: €9M
Dates: 03/2022 – 02/2027
Coordinator: Institut Gustave Roussy, France
Our role: BIOASTER will use its proprietary flow cytometry technology to facilitate the assessment and monitoring of patients’ fecal microbiota before and after fecal microbial transplantation.
Keywords: cancer, antibiotics, microbiota, fecal microbiota transplantation, Akkermansia muciniphila
This work has received funding from a government grant managed by the National Research Agency under the “Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir” with the reference ANR-21-RHUS-0017.

Objectives: Development of a new multiplex technology adapted to Point of Care diagnosis in association with Mologic Ltd and Global Health Labs Inc.
Funding: BMGF
Contribution: 1,895KUSD
Dates: 10/2021-10/2023
Coordinator: BIOASTER
Our role: BIOASTER will demonstrate the potential of the Col/Im technology as a versatile tool for high sensitive, multiplex diagnostics, through the development of multiplex immunoassay and nucleic acid amplification LFA.
Keywords: PoC diagnostic, LFA
Press release: Download it here

Objectives: Accelerator for Developing New Diagnostic, Prognostic and Treatment Solutions against SARS-CoV-2 Infections, leveraging understanding of Host Response Mechanisms through a unique Public-Private Multidisciplinary Consortium Federating Global Pharmaceutical Companies, Regional University Hospitals and Research Centers.
Funding: FEDER & private companies
FEDER contribution (Region AuRA): €900M (total budget of €4.5M)
Dates: 11/2020 – 07/2023
Coordinator: BIOASTER
Our role: BIOASTER will guarantee that all data and protocols will be produced and shared in a robust and reliable way
Keywords: COVID-19
COVID-AuRA Translate is co-financed by the ERDF as part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Objectives: COVID19 rapid diagnostic tests and humoral response evaluation study.
Funding: FIND
FIND Contribution: €300K
Dates: 07/2020 – 03/2022
Coordinator: BIOASTER
Our role: Set up of retrospective and prospective clinical studies to gather COVID-19 samples from moderate, severe, pauci-symptomatic and negative patients; Evaluation of serological tests coming to market, mainly RDTs and manual ELISAs to serve Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs); and generation of data on the possible association between the humoral response and severity of the disease, and study, through a longitudinal prospective study, the duration of the antibody response in patients who were originally admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 with severe and mild-symptoms, over a follow-up of 9 to 10 months.
Keywords: COVID-19, serological assay, antibody response, longitudinal study

Objectives: BIOASTER and Mologic will develop and deliver an innovative rapid test for Onchocerciasis detection affecting neglected populations in Africa.
Funding: BMGF
Contribution: 1,284KUSD
Dates: 01/2020- …
Coordinator: BIOASTER
Our role: BIOASTER has developed innovative recombinant antigens and engineered ov16 anti-IgG4 antibodies that have been combined with Mologic’s high sensitivity lateral flow.
Keywords: Onchocerciasis, diagnostic, LFA
Press release: