KALEIDO & BIOASTER: a successful completion

Kaleido Biosciences and BIOASTER are glad to announce the successful completion of a collaborative project that provided new insights into ways Kaleido’s Microbiome Metabolic Therapies (MMT™) modulate the integrity and function of...

LUMI-Seq®: New video on line!

LUMI-Seq®: New video on line! Check out the new Designed BY BIOASTER video about LUMI-Seq® technology: A novel targeted sequencing  technology for generating long reads from Illumina sequencers.


2020, with the sudden and severe emergence of SARS-CoV-2, has shown that teaming-up and collaborating is our best option in coming together against a pandemic. More than ever, BIOASTER’s purpose...

Pre-print publication COVID19

PRE-PRINT COVID19: Discovery of clinically approved drugs capable of inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 in vitro infection using a phenotypic screening strategy and network-analysis to predict their potential to treat covid-19 Authors: Douglas...

BIOASTER is proud to share a new article published in PLOS ONE.

“Caecal microbiota compositions from 7-day-old chicks reared in high-performance and low-performance industrial farms and systematic culturomics to select strains with anti-Campylobacter activity”. See the article This work carried out in...


We are going through a major and unprecedented crisis, which involves drastically rethinking our lifestyles and work to slow down the epidemic, which is now ubiquitous, allow our health system...