New sequencer @BIOASTER

BIOASTER is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of the newest GridION, a sequencer of third generation entirely developed by Oxford Nanopore Technologies. This installation is the logical consequence of...

Certified Laboratory of biocrates for BIOASTER

Our OMIC team successfully completed Biocrates training and is now part of the certified laboratories able to handle this technology (Certified laboratories – biocrates life sciences ag). High quality metabolomic...

New in our lab: Firefly® robot!

BIOASTER is proud to announce the setup of -the first installed in France- firefly® robot (SPT Labtech) within the OMICS Unit! This robot will simplify and standardize our different transcriptomics...


Keen on furthering your skills in vaccine development? 📢Open call for #TRANSVAC2 #training! FREE training from experts in the field! 💥 Three courses are open for applications: ✔M3 #Adjuvants and...